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Personal Assessment

What To Do

1,  If you are currently getting between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night, and feel rested and energetic the next day, with an absence of anxiety or lethargy then you may not need any of the suggestions in this section. 

  1. However, if you are not getting at least 7 hours of sleep a night, or are experiencing any of the signs of sleep deprivation or apnea, then we suggest you read through the articles under How to Get A Good Night’s Sleep… and identify any issues that might be inhibiting your sleep. 
  1. Note down any recommendations for addressing the issues you have noted apply to you. Then work up a plan for implementing those suggestions. Seek the help of a health coach, counselor, doctor, family member or friend in developing this plan, is necessary. 
  1. Identify supplements that appear to be relevant for your conditions, i.e. that can help to reduce anxiety, boost serotonin, melatonin, or GABA etc. 
  1. Note down in a notebook or electronic document those actions and supplements that you intend to take on a daily basis. And then keep track of how diligently you do or take these and how well you are sleeping. See sample below.   

Daily Habit Tracker (example)

Note in the left hand column those things that you want to get into the habit of doing or taking. And then put an X or 0 in the space under the day of the week for if you did that or took that on that day, or you can put a frequency (like 3x) duration (15 min) or distance (1 mile) in the space.

Date:  March 10th                      








New Habits



Sunlight in the morning



B-complex & magnesium
with Breakfast



Exercise – minutes   



Ate some food high in
L-Tryptophan for lunch  



Dinner w healthy carbs no red meat 



No electronic screens
within 45 min of bed



Sleep supplements with a small carb before bed



Hours of good sleep



How well I slept     0- 10



# times got up



Energy levels 0-10



Mood 0-10 



No electronic screens
within 45 min of bed



Sleep supplements with a small carb before bed



Hours of good sleep



How well I slept     0- 10



# times got up



Energy levels 0-10



Mood 0-10 



Note below any observations or ideas that come to mind while filling this out. 

Observations or Lessons learned:
3/10 hard time getting to sleep anxious thoughts, restless legs, had soup w red meat 4 dinner, watched tv too late, may need more neuromag earlier & stretching before bed.

Continue On To Step #6

Get Started Now

There are a lot of conflicting opinions in this field but one thing all researchers are agreed on is the sooner individuals begin learning and taking steps to improve their brain health the easier and less expensive it will be. 

Ready To Transform Your brain?

Click on TOPICAL GUIDE and BRAIN HEALTH ESSENTIALS at the top to identify topics of interest.
Click the red button and take the PERSONAL ASSESSMENT to be linked to the information most relevant to your personal needs.o
Click on the recommended links in your personal report and study the information provided.
Take notes, build a plan and apply what you learn!

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