If you are over the age of 65 or have been diagnosed with “Mild Cognitive Impairment,” early stage Alzheimer’s or some other serious cognitive decline, we suggest watching this Interview with Dale Bredesen, MD, and then signing up for Dr. Bredesen’s ReCODE program. Ideally we would also encourage you to identify a practitioner in your area, who could run labs and take you and at least one family member through this rather challenging program.
This is probably the most sophisticated, evidence based program in the world for reversing cognitive decline – including Early Stage Alzheimer’s. If you or your doctor doubt that claim (that early stage Alzheimer’s and dementia can be reversed) we encourage you/them to check out this page and Dr. Bredesen’s new book, The First Survivors of Alzheimer’s. It would also be wise to obtain a copy of his book The End of Alzheimer’s Program. (If you buy a copy of this book you would not need The First Survivors – as this contains a review of those, plus a great deal more practical information, on what to take and do in the program.) If there is not a doctor in your area who has been trained in the ReCODE program, you will likely want to find a doctor who at least has this book and is familiar with Dr. Bredesen’s research, and willing to work with you in applying his principles and approach.