Do you ever wonder why new info about brain health Alzheimer’s and dementia prevention always accelerates in August and September? That’s because the Alzheimer’s Association, always holds there international conference on Alzheimer’s and Dementia in July, wherein scientists from around the world come to share their findings from their various investigations.
And this year, of those studies picked up by, was a study published in the famous medical journal Lancet, which showed that “nearly half of all dementia cases” could be delayed or prevented altogether by addressing 14 possible risk factors, now including vision loss and high cholesterol.
Moreover, even greater risk reductions could be possible in low- and middle-income countries and for people with low income in higher-income countries given the higher prevalence of dementia, health disparities and risk factors in these populations; by simply doing the following:
Together, these add up to the Lancet Commission on Dementia’s estimate that 45% of dementia risk can be reduced. And an abundance of new research shows that when risk factors are addressed, such as exposure to air pollution, they are linked with improved cognition and likely reduction of dementia risk
MSN notes: “New evidence supports the notion that in high-income countries, reducing dementia risk can translate to more healthy years, years free of dementia and a shorter duration of ill health for people who develop dementia.
The 45% reduction in dementia risk across the world’s population is based on a calculation that assumes that risk factors are causal and can be eliminated. It shows how dementia prevention is critical and the impact it would have on individuals and families.”
So looking at that report, and the ABC website what is missing from that report? Well actually it’s probably the single most important risk factor for cognitive decline in the world! But due to a pharmaceutical bias, it is often missing in such reports. And what is that risk factor? It’s poor or inadequate nutrition – which often accompanies age (another major risk factor missing from this report).
Studies of the Mediterranean or MIND diet, as well as the FINGER study, Dr. Shea’s NF study (which our Education Chairman helped conduct), research on low B-12 and many other nutrients have revealed Diet and Nutrition (our Brain Health Essential Pillar/Step # 1) as being the “elephant in the room” when discussing risk factors.
Certainly several of these 14 factors reflect the effects of a poor diet, such as diabetes, obesity, cholesterol levels, vision loss, and excessive alcohol consumptions. So for sure it’s a major factor, and too bad, so sad it was not included.
But fortunately this study can alert the public to the fact, which Dr. Bredesen from UCLA notes, that there are many different factors that can modify the risk for Cognitive decline. Initially he and others identified 36, now he notes there are more than 100, especially if you add in all of the medications, that can impede cognition, as well as the plethora of environmental toxins.
Fortunately, you have come to our humble website, that will walk you through a process for identifying, not just 14 factors that may contribute to any decline you may be experiencing, but at least another 30 or more. As well as links that will take you to articles and videos showing you the many things you can do now to dramatically reduce your personal risk for or possible contributors to, any cognitive decline. And it all starts with the Personal Assessment, on our front page, upper right corner in the red oval – currently FREE of any cost to YOU!
Stay tuned for additional information on the many things you can do now, to dramatically reduce your risk, or the risk of a loved one, for cognitive decline.
American Brain Council