Dr. Amen, in his book on Healing ADD reminds us that medications need to be seen as one part of a broader approach. He notes:
“Healing ADD requires involvement in the patients life. It requires caring, follow-up, and attention. Ignoring the patients needs for social, psychological, or biological interventions can only lead to failure.
In the midst of all the controversy about psychoactive drugs, we would do well to remember that, ADD is a neurobiological disorder. Effective treatment depends upon biological intervention. Sometimes the other biological therapies discussed in this book (supplements, neurofeedback, exercise, etc.) can replace the need for medication. But sometimes medication is a must. It can be lifesaving.” (p. 233)
So what are the best medications? When should they be used? And what are their potentially adverse side effects, if any?
Dr. Amen, does a good job of answering those questions in his book, especially as they apply to the 7 different Types that he identifies with his SPECT imaging.
Life Extension also has a decent review of these in their Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Protocol, which we have drawn on heavily for this review. However, you can review this comprehensive, insightful protocol yourself directly at:
https://www.lifeextension.com/protocols/emotional-health/attention-deficit-hyperactivity# See section 8 ADHD Treatment for this info.
But one of the most, if not the most complete review we have seen can be found at https://www.additudemag.com/adhd-medication-for-adults-and-children/
Under ADHD Medication Options: Stimulants, Non-stimulants & More, we read:
Adderall. Vyvanse. Ritalin. Strattera. Concerta. The number of ADHD medication treatment options is staggering, and finding the right solution feels overwhelming at times. Here, an ADHD specialist explains the stimulants and nonstimulants for adults and children in terms we can all understand.
Since this appears to be one of the most complete reviews available, from Larry Silver, M.D., a good authoritative source in this field, we have chosen to defer to him/them for the latest information on this subject. Click on the link below to see Dr. Silver’s review on ADHD meds, Along with Pros Cons and appropriate cautions. https://www.additudemag.com/adhd-medication-for-adults-and-children/