So the question for this Christmas blog is: How can the teachings of Jesus Christ and other great religions promote brain health? Such is the topic of a relatively new book out by Dr. Andrew Newberg, MD titled How God Changes Your Brain.
Dr. Newberg has made this the focus of a great deal of rather interesting research. Much more than we can do justice to in this short blog. But this Christmas we would simply like to make you aware of some of that research, and remind you of a few practices taught by Jesus Christ, that can have a profound impact on the health of our brain, and our world. These are prayer and forgiveness, as well as the giving of gifts, gratitude and love for others.
If Jesus was the creator of the world, as John 1:1-3 tells us in the Bible, then of course he knows what would be best for our brains, as well as the rest of our body – including foods and various practices.
And one of the primary practices he advocated was prayer. The apostle Matthew recorded Jesus as teaching, “Pray in this manner, Our Father who is in heaven…Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you.” (6:9; 7:7) And in all things, rather it was after miracles or breaking bread, Jesus, the exemplar, gave thanks.
He also encouraged his disciples to “love one another as I have loved you.” And talked about the gifts that we can give to others, as the Wise men gave to him – which included medicinal herbs, like frankincense, which has been shown to cross the blood brain barrier to reduce inflammation and facilitate brain health.
Another Andrew, Dr. Andrew Huberman has also noted the power of prayer, in dealing with issues that are beyond our power to control. Certainly such a practice can do much to help alleviate anxiety and depression.
Moreover, Huberman reviews some other research which suggests that just 17 minutes of prayer or meditation (“Be still and know that I am God”) may even help to reduce age related cognitive decline.
Dr. Herbert Benson in his classic book The Relaxation Response, and later Your Maximum Mind, notes that spiritual principles (taught by Jesus and others), such as exercising faith, and forgiveness, can do much to facilitate a relaxation response that once again may serve to reduce anxiety, anger and resentment, that can damage our heart and vascular systems essential to brain health.
For a more in-depth review of Dr. Newberg’s research on religious or spiritual practices and the brain, you may want to watch this 56 min video
Finally we believe it is because of God who is good, and His Love for you and for us, that we have been able to create this website, a useful tool for helping others in need of better brain health. Feel free to share this with others this coming year, as many are finding it to be a blessing in their lives. Meanwhile, we hope you have a Blessed Christmas and a Joyful and Prosperous New Year!