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Step #1: The Critical Role of Nutrition

Consume all the nutrients the brain needs to succeed & ensure they are digested well 

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As research has increased in the area of brain health, it’s become very apparent, as noted above, that the brain needs adequate amounts of a wide variety of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, proteins, lipids (fats), flavonoids, polyphenols, probiotics, etc.) to operate optimally. However, many individuals, especially seniors do not eat as nutritiously as they should, and their ability to break-down, digest and assimilate these nutrients often becomes compromised with age. As a result senior brains often do not get all of the nutrients they need to function optimally.

Moreover, with the advent of modern medicine, a century ago, and their focus on germs, bacteria, vaccines, and technology, the previous interest in herbs and nutrition for prevention and healing was replaced by vaccines and drugs. (Go here to learn more about this shift in focus.)

While most of us would prefer to go to a traditional MD for a broken leg, or other acute injury, the above noted approach has not proven to be as helpful for more complicated chronic conditions like memory loss, Alzheimer’s, PTSD or depression.

For example, after spending more than 2 billion dollars in the search for a pharmaceutical drug that could prevent or mitigate Alzheimer’s disease, or even improve memory, no drugs or modern medications have been found to be effective for dementia prevention or Alzheimer’s reversal. While most medications are good at inhibiting biological processes, which may be quite helpful at times, few directly facilitate healing or the growth or restoration of cells. That’s where appropriate nutrition is required.

On the other hand, numerous studies both in the US and Europe have now shown that in contrast to the SAD (standard American diet), the Mediterranean diet, and a variation called the MIND diet, have been shown to be very helpful in maintaining a healthy brain, and reducing the risk, not only for simple age related memory decline, but even the decline associated with Alzheimer’s.

Next: The Brain Healthy Diet

Get Started Now

There are a lot of conflicting opinions in this field but one thing all researchers are agreed on is the sooner individuals begin learning and taking steps to improve their brain health the easier and less expensive it will be. 

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