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Air Pollution & EMFs

The Brain Dangers of Air Pollution and EMFs

Air Pollution 

The Impact of Air pollution on The Brain and How To Minimize the Damage
This is an excellent review of that topic, and what you can do to protect your brain.


If you are not familiar with EMF (Electromagnetic fields) and their potential harm to one’s brain and body, here are 12 documented ways in which these invisible waves can adversely affect our brain.

This article is by Jordan Fallis, a popular health researcher from Canada.

Go here to read the entire article.


It’s true. A lot of people are suffering from diseases of civilization – including neurodegenerative and psychiatric illnesses – because there is a mismatch between our ancient physiology and the western diet and lifestyle (1). 

Most people are aware of some of the causes – poor dietary choices, nutrient deficiencies, excess stress, emotional trauma, lack of exercise, etc. 

But what if there was something in our modern environment that we couldn’t see that was making us sick?

Well, over the past several months, I’ve been learning more and more about the brain and mental health effects of man-made electromagnetic fields (EMFs). 

They’re actually a huge problem.

An increasing amount of scientific research is showing that they can cause widespread neuropsychiatric effects, including depression (2). [anxiety, ADHD, Autism, memory, thyroid disfunction, sleep, and Alzheimer’s] 

Learning about this inspired me to go live in the woods for 11 days. Yes, I’m serious :-) 

Read on to learn more about EMFs and my experience getting completely away from them. 

 Click here to learn more about the 15 documented ill effects of EMF’s, WiFi and 5G networks on brain health and mental wellbeing.    

If you suspect EMF, WiFi or 5G pollution might be affecting you and your brain we suggest reviewing the following advice from Dr. Jockers on What We Can Do to Implement EMF & 5G Protection.  

Protect Yourself from EMFs

  • Minimize your exposure: Minimizing your exposure is critical. It is especially important for our children as they are smaller, still developing, and even more vulnerable.
  • Protect yourself: Besides minimizing your exposure, it is important that you protect your body and allow it to have the best chance to detox and recover from near-constant EMF exposure. 

Reduce Your Daily EMF Exposure

Reducing your daily EMF exposure is the most important thing you can do to protect your health. Here is what you can do:

  • Keep your phone and other devices off or on airplane mode as much as possible.
  • Use hard-wire internet connections instead of WiFi whenever you can.
  • Limit your WiFi use to the minimum.
  • Turn off your WiFi router at night or when not in use.
  • Use hard-wire computer peripherals instead of wireless or Bluetooth as much as possible.
  • Make sure that the electrical wiring in your home is done properly and correct any potential issues.
  • Keep your cell phone, computer, and other devices as far as from yourself when you are not using them.
  • Keep your cell phone and other devices out of your bedroom, your children’s room, or wherever you rest.
  • Sleep as far as possible from circuit breakers or large appliances that are running overnight.
  • Use dirty electricity filters to filter out dirty electricity.
  • Choose landlines or face-to-face contact over cell phone or online contact whenever possible.
  • Minimize your electronics use and do regular digital detoxes.
  • Wear a Harmoni Pendant, my newest favorite tool to protect myself from EMF exposure. You will learn more about Harmoni in the next section.

Protect Yourself from Cell Phone Radiation

Cell phones are relatively new in our world, yet we use them all the time. Here is how you can protect yourself from cell phone radiation:

You can read his entire article on how to protect yourself and family from EMF by clicking on this link:

Harmoni Pendant for EMFs

EMF exposure and 5Gs are certainly concerning. The more you can reduce your exposure the better off you will be. There are various devices that have been developed to help protect us. Of these Dr. Jockers suggests the Harmoni Pendant.

He notes that “its important to stay away from knock-offs. If you google for EMF protectors, you will find hundreds of results, but most of these devices offer no health value.”

[Here is a link to a reputable company that sells cell phone sleeves and other holders that block EMF emissions, for a decent price, and no the American Brain Council is not affiliated with, nor do we receive revenue from any of these companies.]

Finally he notes: “Reducing your EMF exposure and protecting your body is extremely important to your health. I recommend that you try Harmoni Pendants for daily protection from EMFs.  You can also check out my top product for cellular and mitochondrial protection from radiation which is the HM-ET Binder.” [If you feel you may have been exposed to high levels of EMF this bottle of 120 caps may be worth a try. ]

Next: Smoking or Vaping

Get Started Now

There are a lot of conflicting opinions in this field but one thing all researchers are agreed on is the sooner individuals begin learning and taking steps to improve their brain health the easier and less expensive it will be. 

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