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Lead, Mercury, Aluminum, Arsenic, Glyphosate, and Pesticides

Most of the info below is relevant to a host of toxins. For more specific info related to Lead, Mercury,  Aluminum, Arsenic, Pesticides & Glyphosate see those sub headings below.  Almonds and oats were noted as possible neuro toxins, along with Glyphosate in the Personal Assessment question 53. However, these are more  associated with molds and mycotoxins see the next section below. 

Note: As you listen to these videos and explore websites and articles, we would encourage you to take notes on the issues and suggestions that seem most relevant to you. When you watch YouTube keep in mind that the first thing you will see, will likely be an ad, not the video we intend for you to see. But just click [Skip] in the lower right, and that should take you to where you want to go.

For a good intro to this topic we suggest watching Mark Hyman, MD’s interview with Dave Asprey the author of Super Human: The Bulletproof Plan to Age Backward and Maybe Even Live Forever. While living in China Dr. Hyman was exposed to high levels of mercury which caused serious cognitive impairments. So he knows what that’s like, and now as a leader in the Functional Medicine field, he is passionate about helping others avoid the same fate.

Here is another decent overview of this field by Wendy Myers. Wendy has her own company that focuses on detoxification, and in this interview with Dr. Jockers she provides some useful insights into how to avoid some of the most common neurotoxins, as well as various ways to test for and detox from a variety of toxins.

How can you tell if you may have been exposed to a neurotoxin? Often times it can be difficult or expensive to find the right tests, but here are some things to look for. 

Chronic Low Energy

You wake up tired, need coffee to wake up, feel drained throughout the day

Mood Swings

You encounter unpredictable feelings of anxiety, stress, and depression

Baffling Brain Fog

Your mind doesn’t feels as sharp or clear, with more problems remembering 

Accelerated Aging

You have more wrinkles fine lines or hair loss than seems normal

Stubborn Weight Gain or Loss

You have a hard time losing weight even when you eat right and work out

Shaky Immune System

You seem to catch whatever is going around or get sick/run down easily

A few general suggestions for detoxifying from Heavy Metals

Boost your magnesium levels – this may help to reduce the risk of heavy metals like aluminum crossing your blood brain barrier. 

Consider a Sauna’s – with either regular sauna’s or infra red 

Coffee Enema’s – Especially helpful for the liver (the master detox organ in the body)

Supplements:   Binders –  folic acid,  zeolite, vitamin C, minerals, magnesium, zinc selenium, glutathione boosters, drips or injections. 

Citricleanse, with folic acid, grape fruit citrus pectins – bind to vast array of toxins, silica, charcoals (don’t take on a daily basis), 

Be careful. You don’t want to just free up these toxins, as this may result in them relocating in other parts of our body. Consider chelation and binders. See resources above. It’s recommended that you take high doses of glutathione boosters during this process to help neutralize any toxins left roaming around in your body. 

Incorporate more garlic, onions, ginger, egg yoke, broccoli sprouts, i.e. sulfur rich foods into your diet. 

Discuss the following with your doctor.  

The Best Strategy for Detoxifying Heavy Metals (SAFELY)

For More Authoritative Details 

If you are concerned that you may have been exposed to a neurotoxin or dementogen, such as lead or mercury, mold or mycotoxins, glyphosate from the weed killer Roundup, paraffin candles that emit benzene and toluene, or eat fruit or drink water tainted with pesticides or arsenic, or wear toxic beauty aids, consume hydrogenated trans-fats, or burnt AGE’s, or BPA’s from plastics, or you want to know the best diagnostic tests, or the steps to take to address these, we would encourage you to buy:

The End of Alzheimer’s Program by Dale Bredesen, MD.  He has a whole chapter dedicated to these “dementogens,” with more than 20 specific steps you can take to avoid or overcome them, plus additional sources for more in-depth study.  

Why Isn’t My Brain Working? By Datis Kharrazian, DHSc, DC
See Chapter 20 Toxins and The Brain
This has one of the best reviews of the Loss of Chemical Tolerance, the role of  glutathione and cautions when detoxifying. 

Lead – If you Believe You Were Exposed to Lead

See Dr. Bredesen’s book above. 

See Lead under Heavy Metals Detox on this website 

You may want to consider signing up for her newsletter. 

You may want to send for her free checklist 

You may also want to consider getting a hair mineral analysis.

For more info on ways to detox and the Citricleanse go to

Here is an interesting walk through a lead detox.
My Battle Against Toxic Heavy Metals: The Ultimate Detox Plan

Consider Zeolite. Watch this video. She’s a bit hard to understand, so listen close. But zeolite is inexpensive and can be quite effective. 

Mercury – If you Believe You Were Exposed to Mercury 

See Mercury under Heavy Metals Detox 

You may want to consider signing up for her newsletter. 

You may want to send for her free checklist 

You may also want to consider getting a hair mineral analysis.

For more info on ways to detox and the Citricleanse go to:

Consider Zeolite. Watch this video. She’s a bit hard to understand, so listen close. But zeolite is inexpensive and can be quite effective. 

Aluminum – If you Believe You Were Exposed to Aluminum

Over the years there's been a great deal of speculation regarding the connection between aluminum and Alzheimer's. In fact in 2010 Dr. Harold Foster, PhD of Canada, a prolific researcher, published a compelling book called What Really Causes Alzheimer's Disease wherein he made the case for Aluminum exposure, in water and elsewhere, as being a primary cause of Alzheimer's. Others have argued for a much more minor role. Nevertheless, aluminum is well documented to be a neurotoxin, that may indeed contribute to AD (Alzheimer's disease).

If you are concerned that you may have been exposed to aluminum, you may want to review these articles for further insights into sources of aluminum poisoning, as well as symptoms, and ways to support aluminum detox;


Consider Zeolite. Watch this video. She’s a bit hard to understand, so listen close. But zeolite is inexpensive and can be quite effective. 

Pesticides and Herbicides, Almonds & Oats

Most people are aware that Pesticides can harm humans as well.  Just as most of them work by attacking the nervous system of insects and other pests, they can damage our nervous system as well.  

How glyphosate and other herbicides can harm us.

 Go here to learn more about glyphosate and how to avoid it. 

Here’s why you need to avoid Pesticides

See glyphosate and pesticides in the index of The End of Alzheimer’s

This product may be a better quicker way to cleanse your fruit and veggies.

(The American Brain Council is not an affiliate of this company.)

Where to Find Help

This is a very complex field, and with such variations in causes and physiological responses, we would strongly encourage you to find a health care professional who is experienced in the field of neuro toxins. Preferably a Functional Medicine physician, who can order the appropriate labs and coach you through the detox options and procedures. See Step 7 to identify a physician who can assist you with that.

Next: Molds & Mycotoxins

Get Started Now

There are a lot of conflicting opinions in this field but one thing all researchers are agreed on is the sooner individuals begin learning and taking steps to improve their brain health the easier and less expensive it will be. 

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