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Molds and Mycotoxins

Molds and their metabolites mycotoxins, could be lurking in your homes or places of employment and you might never know it. However, the danger they pose to our brains are nonetheless, serious and substantial. 

Here’s an interesting intro to this dark debilitating and pervasive problem, with the note that many doctors are simply not trained in how to deal with it.

Here are a few good related articles. 

Here’s a good little article on molds and mycotoxins and how to find them.

This is another great article by Dr. Jockers on molds and mycotoxins, the various sources and symptoms to watch for, as well as ways to protect yourself and family against them and detox from them.

After a brief overview this article on The Hidden Health Dangers of Micotoxins in Mold, written by Eve Henry, MD, notes that with climate changes this problem seems to be increasing. Moreover, this is particularly insightful with regards to testing and diagnostic options.

We tend to think of molds and mycotoxins lurking in dark basements, however, this article from the World Health Organization has an interesting review of mycotoxins in food.

It’s important to note that molds can exacerbate and compound almost any other physical problem, as it overburdens the human immune system. 

The primary recommendation, if you have been exposed to mold is to avoid any contact, and make sure it or you are cleared from that environment. 

See also The End of Alzheimer’s Program by Dale Bredesen, MD. Check out the references to mycotoxins in the index. 

Next: Air Pollution & EMFs

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