The brain is a major consumer of energy. Although only about 2% of our body’s mass it utilizes more than 20% of the energy that our body needs to function. Next to our heart our brain consumes more energy than any other organ. And what regulates our bodies production of energy, i.e. our metabolism? Our Thyroid gland.
Therefore, in any discussion of brain health and dementia prevention, the function of the thyroid gland must be carefully considered. For many years and even now, whenever a person would complain to their doctor that they were having brain fog, or memory problems, a thyroid test was almost always one of the first things they considered. Because every doctor knows that if the thyroid glad is not functioning well, it’s unlikely the brain will obtain the energy it needs to succeed as well.
Although a basic TSH thyroid test, is easy to run, the role of the thyroid, it’s various needs hormones and functions, however, is fairly complicated.
For a great review of the role of the Thyroid gland, testing for and treating low thyroid and related issues we suggest reading this insightful article by New York thyroid specialist Raphael Kellman, MD.