The 3 most successful approaches ever developed for overcoming depression are:
1) Bio Chemical Strategies
2) Cognitive Behavior Therapy,
3) Physical Activity
The Best Approach
All three of the strategies above, have been show, as noted, to be effective in reducing the symptoms of depression. However, as with Alzheimer’s, diabetes, cardiovascular, and other chronic disorders, the best treatment is likely to involve a combination of these three, plus a few other practices shown to be extraordinarily helpful.
This is called a synergistic approach. The combination is much more powerful that any of these done separately and the concerted effect from doing all 3 of these simultaneously is much greater than the aggregate of the 3 done separately.
If you are not familiar with the concept of synergy when it comes to physical health, see this article on The Synergistic Advantage under A Synergistic 4 Step Approach in the article on Anxiety Reduction.
In the following sections we will examine and link you to some of the best information available in these three areas.